One of the common problems with huge data is “Duplicates” and the bigger problem is to identify and remove these duplicates.
In this article, we will be sharing 4 ways to delete duplicate records from your data.
In the first method, let’s make use of Excel’s inbuilt functionality of removing duplicates.
Note: If your data has extra spaces at the end of the value (for example ‘Friedrick’ and ‘Friedrick’ then Excel may not be able to detect those duplicates. In this method, we will use VBA code to call the Remove Duplicates function and delete the duplicate records
Following is the VBA Syntax and sample VBA macro command to delete duplicate rows from the worksheet using VBA. We are using the Remove Duplicates method of the Cells object of the worksheet.
Cells.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(
[Column Numbers])
Here Cells.Remove Duplicates command tells excel to remove the duplicated based on the specified list of column array. Columns:=Array([Column Numbers]) will help us to specify the list of columns to combine and treat it as a duplicate record.
Sub sbRemoveDuplicates() Cells.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1) End Sub
'VBA code to remove duplicates from data with headers Sub sbRemoveDuplicatesSpecificWithHeaders() Range("A1:D10").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1), Header:= xlYes End Sub
‘Starting procedure to write VBA code to remove duplicates from data with no headers Sub sbRemoveDuplicatesSpecificWithNoHeaders() Range("A1:D10").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1), Header:= xlNo End Sub
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This guide explains the basics of Excel’s Advanced Filter and shows you how to use it to find records that match one or more complicated conditions.
If you’ve read our previous guide, you know that Excel’s regular filter offers different options for filtering text, numbers, and dates. These options work well for many situations, but not all. When the regular filter isn’t enough, you can use the Advanced Filter to set up custom criteria that fit your exact needs.
Excel’s Advanced Filter is especially useful for finding data based on two or more complex conditions. For example, you can use it to find matches and differences between two columns, filter rows that match another list, or find exact matches with the same uppercase and lowercase letters.
Advanced Filter is available in all Excel versions from 365 to 2003. Click the links below to learn more.
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