VBA Code to Hide Menu Ribbon in MS Access


In MS Access, there are multiple ways to protect your code or tool from un-authorized access and edits. Some developers prefers to hide MS Access ribbons from the users to prevent changes by users. Here is one of the ways you can hide MS Access Ribbons, Lock the Navigation Pane and hide hidden objects using VBA code
Note: The code is tested on MS Access 2007 and 2013

Run Access Form VBA
Private Sub Form_Load()
    'Hide the hidden objects in the navigation pane
    Application.SetOption "Show Hidden Objects", False
    'Lock navigation pane
    DoCmd.LockNavigationPane True
    'Disable right clicks and menus
    CurrentDb.Properties("AllowFullMenus") = False
    CurrentDb.Properties("AllowShortcutMenus") = False
    CurrentDb.Properties("AllowBuiltinToolbars") = False
End Sub

To Use VBA Code to Hide Menu Ribbon in MS access, follow these below steps:

1. Open an MS Access file
2. Add a new form in MS Access using Create>Form Design menu

Run Access Form VBA

3. Change the following properties of the form
Auto Center: Yes
Record Selectors: No
Navigation Buttons: No
Scroll Bars: Neither
Pop Up: Yes

Form Designing VBA Access

4. Create an Event Procedure of Form’s On Load event


Form Designing VBA Access

5. Click on ‘…’ to create the procedure in VBA screen


Form Designing VBA Access
Form Designing VBA Access

6. Add the following code in the Load event procedure

    'Hide the hidden objects in the navigation pane
    Application.SetOption "Show Hidden Objects", False
    'Lock navigation pane
    DoCmd.LockNavigationPane True
    'Disable right clicks and menus
    CurrentDb.Properties("AllowFullMenus") = False
    CurrentDb.Properties("AllowShortcutMenus") = False
    CurrentDb.Properties("AllowBuiltinToolbars") = False
Load VBA Form in Access

7. Done, save your code and right click on the form then select Open

VBA Form Access for loading forms

8. You will notice that ribbons are still visible, don’t worry it will be hidden when you re-open the MS Access file

Run Access Form VBA

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  1. No use for this code since the user can click the more command menu and can select the navigation pane and others to return.

    1. excelsirji says:

      Thanks Sanal for your response. There are many other ways also you can bring the controls back like opening the Access file using Shift key. However the code placed in the Form load event should bring the controls back to hidden mode.

  2. ivar atterås says:

    i have tried it in access 2016, and it doesn’t work in access 2016.

    1. Thanks for your query Ivar. You can try following code that works with MS Access 2016:

          Dim objProperty As Property
          'Hide the hidden objects in the navigation pane
          Application.SetOption "Show Hidden Objects", False
          'Lock navigation pane
          DoCmd.LockNavigationPane True
          On Error Resume Next
          'Disable right clicks and menus
          CurrentDb.Properties("AllowFullMenus") = False
          If Err.Number = 3270 Then
              Set objProperty = CurrentDb.CreateProperty("AllowFullMenus", dbBoolean, False)
              CurrentDb.Properties.Append objProperty
          End If
          CurrentDb.Properties("AllowShortcutMenus") = False
          If Err.Number = 3270 Then
              Set objProperty = CurrentDb.CreateProperty("AllowShortcutMenus", dbBoolean, False)
              CurrentDb.Properties.Append objProperty
          End If
          CurrentDb.Properties("AllowBuiltinToolbars") = False
          If Err.Number = 3270 Then
              Set objProperty = CurrentDb.CreateProperty("AllowBuiltinToolbars", dbBoolean, False)
              CurrentDb.Properties.Append objProperty
          End If
          On Error GoTo 0

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