In VBA, it is sometime important to add a worksheet at the right place in the Excel. Here is a simple an effective code that adds a new worksheet at the end of Excel file
Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
Worksheets.Add Before:=Worksheets(1)
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Did you come across any requirement where you want the user to interact with a sheet only through VBA Form? Here is a simple code which can help you.
In MS Access, the best way to create a multiuser tool is to divide your solution. One part acts as interface and other one acts as database. You can have multiple copies of the interface distributed to users which are connected to central MS Access database saved at common shared drive. To connect the interface to database, you can use link table feature (Access>External Data>Import & Link) available in MS Access. Below is a commonly required VBA code which helps the developers to re-link MS Access linked tables when the database is renamed or moved to other location
File Properties Tool is an MS Excel based tool which helps you to get File Name, File Path, Date Created, Date Last Accessed, Date Last Modified, Size (MB) and File Type properties of the files. You just need to browse the folder where your files are and click on ‘Get File Properties’ button.
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