VBA Code to Add Border to Excel Range

VBA Code to Add Border To Excel Range

Through formatting the cells, you can make your Excel data more beautiful and easier to understand. If you record a macro to add borders to Excel range, you will notice that it generates 30 plus lines of code for just a small work.

VBA Code to Add Border to Excel Range

See below such code:
Sub Macro1()
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
End Sub

Here we are sharing one line of code which does the same thing:
Sheet1.Range("A1:G20").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous

Screenshot of the sheet before running the code:
VBA Code to Add Border to Excel Range

Screenshot of the sheet after running the code:
VBA Code to Add Border to Excel Range

How can I use this VBA code?

If you want to use this code in your VBA tool, then follow below steps:

  1. Open the Excel file in which you want to copy this code

  2. Press Alt+F11

  3. Open the module in which you want to add this code

  4. Paste this code just after the code where you want to add the borders in the sheet

VBA Code to Add Border to Excel Range

What will happen when I run this code?
  1. The code will add borders in range A1 to G20 of Sheet1

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