Match function is as same as what it means. Match function helps to match the partial or full user defined value or number in a given range and return the exact or relevant position of the same.
For Example: If we have an array i.e. 1,2,3,4 and if I ask you what is the position of 3 in this array, your answer will be 3rd position in the array. We will explain more examples in details.
The MATCH formula uses the following arguments:
Match_type (optional argument) – Match function will helps you to find the location of the lookup value it could be horizontal or it can be vertical. But when you mention horizontal than its horizontal if you mention vertical than its vertical.
Let’s look at few examples here to learn more about Excel Function Match
Now here we have range “B4:B10” where all fruits are listed. Now on the right side, we have value in E3 cell “Mango” and we want to get the position of Mango in Fruits data given.
Excel INDEX function is used when you want to pull out the ARRAY RANGE WITH HELP OF formula you can either pull the cell value or you can pull all the AARAY range values with the help of INDEX function.
The formula =INDEX(C2:G8,,5).
In this formula first argument we are selecting
SUMIF function is used to get the “total sum” for number of times the criteria across range is met. SUMIF Function has two required arguments.
VBA code that will sum cells by its color through excel function. This code will really help in making the analysis and presentation better.
How to Compare TWO Columns in Excel? Comparing Columns in Microsoft excel is much often feature that is used while managing database. We have many ways to compare the columns in excel and can be…
INT function is used to round down the numeric value to nearest integer. INT Function has one required argument i.e. number.
This tutorial shows you how to change the row colors in Excel to automatically highlight every other row or every nth row or column in your worksheets. You will also learn how to use Excel’s banded rows and columns and find some helpful formulas to shade rows based on value changes.
Using alternating colors for rows in Excel is a common way to make data easier to read. While it’s simple to manually highlight rows in a small table, it can be very time-consuming in larger tables. A better approach is to automatically alternate the colors of rows or columns, and this article will show you how to do it quickly
RANK function performs the Ranking in a range or list of numbers. Function returns the rank position and can assigned as highest or lowest value as 1st Rank