In Excel, the “MODE” function is a statistical tool that identifies and returns the most frequently occurring value within a set of numbers provided.
=MODE(number1, [number2], ... )
In Excel, the “MODEIF” function is a custom calculation that allows you to find the most frequently occurring value (mode) within a set of data, but only considering values that meet a specific condition specified in the formula
=MODEIF(data_range, criteria_range, criteria)
Click on any cell below to start practicing MODEIF Function. Check Instruction how to use the MODEIF Function.
LEN function is used for counting number of characters in available string. The output of the function returns the count in new cell.
What is Absolute Value in Excel? The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line, regardless of direction, so it’s always a non-negative number. The ABS function in Excel…
Watch: How to use SUMIF & SUMIFS Function in Excel? What is SUMIF Function? The SUMIF function in Excel adds up values in a range of cells that meet certain criteria. Click here to Read Full…
SUMPRODUCT function performs multiplication of numbers within arrays and then sum the values SUMPRODUCT function has array1, 2.. arguments.
How to count words in Excel using the LEN function along with other Excel functions. It also gives formulas for counting words or text, whether case-sensitive or not, in a cell or range.
Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for analyzing data and conducting statistical research. The program includes numerous functions for performing various statistical calculations. One of the essential measures Excel supports is the weighted average.