The EOMONTH function in Excel returns the last day of a month based on a given date and a specified number of months
=EOMONTH(start_date, months)
.Click on any cell below to start practicing EDATE Function. Check Instruction how to use the EDATE Function.
The EDATE function in Microsoft Excel returns a date that is a specific number of months before or after a given start date
=EDATE(start_date, months)
=EDATE(C3, 1)
.Understand the basic Different between Excel Online vs Excel Desktop. Excel Online is like a simpler version of Excel that you can use in your web browser. It has most of the important features you need, but it doesn’t have advanced things like macros. This article dives into the differences between Excel Online and the excel Desktop version to help you understand what each one is good at and where they fall short.
How to Hide Ribbon &Formula bar in excel? While preparing many projects, my clients always want me to make professional, good looking dashboards. So I hide few things like Gridlines, Column & Row headings and…
Unhide Cells in Excel means you’ve probably hidden a row, column, or worksheet before to focus on important data. But what if you need to see those hidden parts again? Don’t worry—Excel makes it easy…
This video will help you to understand how you may use conditional formatting to highlight row based on conditions. Subscribe us for more updates
In this guide, you will learn how to use the NPV function in Excel to calculate the net present value of an investment and how to avoid common mistakes when using NPV in Excel.
The ROMAN function in Excel converts numbers into Roman numerals. It’s useful when you need to display numbers in the Roman numeral format, such as for dates, titles, or other specific purposes. The function allows you to choose how “traditional” or simplified the Roman numeral should be. To use the ROMAN function, you just need to enter the number you want to convert, and Excel will do the rest