AVERAGE function is used to get the average of numbers. Function applies formula i.e. average = Sum of all values / (Divided by) number of items.
AVERAGE function is used to get the average of numbers. Function applies formula i.e. average = Sum of all values / (Divided by) number of items.
RANK function performs the Ranking in a range or list of numbers. Function returns the rank position and can assigned as highest or lowest value as 1st Rank
SUMPRODUCT function performs multiplication of numbers within arrays and then sum the values SUMPRODUCT function has array1, 2.. arguments.
ROUND function rounds the number value to nearest digit mentioned in argument.
ROUND function has two required arguments i.e. number and num_digits
MATCH function performs lookup for a value in a range and returns its position sequence number as output. It has two required and one optional arguments
MIN function is used to get the smallest number in range or list of values.MIN function has one required i.e. number1 and optional argument i.e. [number2]
MAX function is used to get the largest number in range or list of values. MAX function has one required argument i.e. number1
MOD function is used to get the remainder of number that is divided by divisor. MOD Function has two required arguments i.e. number and divisor.
INT function is used to round down the numeric value to nearest integer. INT Function has one required argument i.e. number.
ROWS function is used to get the total count of rows in an array or in cells range in an excel worksheet.
ROW function is used to get the row reference number of the excel worksheet. ROW Function has only one argument i.e. reference,
INDIRECT function is used to convert the text/string into cell reference. Function provides output as the value of that cell reference.
SUMIFS function is used to get the “total sum” of values for matching criteria across range. SUMIFS Function has required and optional arguments
COUNTIFS function is used to get the total count for number of times the various criteria across ranges are met.
SUMIF function is used to get the “total sum” for number of times the criteria across range is met. SUMIF Function has two required arguments.
INDEX function is used to get the value from a cell range or table, function returns the value from a table where row and column intersect with each other.
COLUMNS function is used to get the total count of columns in an array or in cells range for excel worksheet.
COLUMN function is used to get the column reference number of the excel worksheet. COLUMN Function has only one argument.
TRIM function is used to remove the additional spaces (i.e. spaces before/after/between the words) except for single space between words.
TEXT function is used to change the formatting or appearances of the text. There are various types of formatting available.
REPT function is used to repeat the text or cell reference to multiple times