How to calculate Days between Dates in Excel

How to Calculate Days Between Dates in Excel

This guide will show you quick and easy methods to find the number of days between dates in Excel.
Do you need to know how many days are between two dates? Maybe you want to find out the days between today and a date in the past or future, or just count the working days between two dates? Whatever you need, one of the examples below will help you find the solution

Split cell in Excel

How to Split Cells in Excel?

Microsoft Excel helps you organize and work with data in many ways. When you have a lot of information or need to break it into parts, splitting cells is very useful. Splitting cells means taking the content of one cell and dividing it into multiple cells. This can be especially helpful for separating names, addresses, or other data that are combined in one cell. Learn how to split cells in Excel using its built-in functions and formulas.

Index match function

Index Match in Excel

Index Match in Excel are powerful tools for advanced lookups. They’re popular because they’re incredibly flexible. You can use them to search horizontally or vertically, perform two-way searches, find values to the left of your search criteria, handle case-sensitive searches, and even search using multiple conditions. If you want to improve your Excel skills, mastering INDEX and MATCH is essential. Below, you’ll find numerous examples to help you grasp how they function.

Excel Online Vs Excel Desktop

Excel Online vs Excel Desktop: What’s the Difference?

Understand the basic Different between Excel Online vs Excel Desktop. Excel Online is like a simpler version of Excel that you can use in your web browser. It has most of the important features you need, but it doesn’t have advanced things like macros. This article dives into the differences between Excel Online and the excel Desktop version to help you understand what each one is good at and where they fall short.

Median Value in Excel

How to find Median in Excel

Understand how to find median in Excel with simple steps. Understanding the middle value in a set of numbers, known as the median, is important in the data industry. Professionals often use Microsoft Excel to calculate this. Excel’s MEDIAN function helps quickly find this value from long lists of numbers. This saves time and allows for further calculations using the median value. In this article, we explain what the MEDIAN function in Excel does, why it’s useful, and two methods to find the median in your data.

Sort Data in Power Query in Excel

How to Sort Data Using Power Query in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

This article unveils the magic of Power Query, a built-in Excel tool that simplifies data organization. Learn how to sort by single or multiple columns, create layered sorts for complex needs, and even reverse your data order entirely. Power Query puts you in control, transforming your data into a well-structured format for effortless analysis.

Reduce File Size in Excel

How to reduce excel file size quickly? – Complete Guide with 8 Methods

Learn to reduce excel file size. Tips include removing unnecessary formatting, compressing images, using formulas instead of hardcoded data, and optimizing pivot tables. Clearing unused cells and minimizing data ranges also help. Lastly, consider saving as binary or using third-party add-ins for further compression.

Effortlessly Merge Columns in Power Query: A Step-by-Step Guide

Effortlessly Merge Columns in Power Query: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this tutorial, learn how to merge columns using Power Query. Follow this step-by-step guide to convert data into a table, merge columns seamlessly, and customize separators. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, this tutorial will enhance your data manipulation skills and streamline your workflow. Master Power Query and optimize your data management processes effortlessly.