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RANK function performs the Ranking in a range or list of numbers. Function returns the rank position and can assigned as highest or lowest value as 1st Rank
File Manager Tool
File Manager tool is an Excel based tool which helps you to delete or move unwanted files from your system. It requires a source and destination folder (in case you want to move files). First it lists all the files available in the folder or sub-folders then you can select the action to be taken for each file such as Move or Delete. With a click of button, tool will take all necessary actions.
Offset Function in Excel
In this tutorial, we’re going to explore one of the most intriguing features in Excel: the OFFSET function.
So, what is the OFFSET function in Excel? Simply put, OFFSET gives you a reference to a range of cells that’s moved from a starting point by a certain number of rows and columns.
COUNTBLANK function is used to get the total count of Blank or Empty cell in range.
COUNTBLANK Function has one required argument i.e. range.
AND, OR, NOT Functions” provide result in “TRUE” or “FALSE”. If the logical condition is correct and matching the parameters provided, then result would be “TRUE” or if logical condition is not correct and not matching the parameters provided then result would be “FALSE”
How to color alternate rows in Excel: highlight every other row
This tutorial shows you how to change the row colors in Excel to automatically highlight every other row or every nth row or column in your worksheets. You will also learn how to use Excel’s banded rows and columns and find some helpful formulas to shade rows based on value changes.
Using alternating colors for rows in Excel is a common way to make data easier to read. While it’s simple to manually highlight rows in a small table, it can be very time-consuming in larger tables. A better approach is to automatically alternate the colors of rows or columns, and this article will show you how to do it quickly