range argument is used to give range from which Blank cell’s count is required
The IF function is often used to return empty strings. For example, if A1 contains 21, this formula in B1 will return an empty string:
Hope you learnt this Function,
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MID function is used for extracting the mid characters from the available string. The output of the function returns the extracted characters in new cell.
Microsoft Excel “TODAY” function is used to get the current Date. It is very useful function and can be used in many ways. “TODAY Function” does not have any argument that makes this easy to apply and implement.
AVERAGE function is used to get the average of numbers. Function applies formula i.e. average = Sum of all values / (Divided by) number of items.
Understand the basic Different between Excel Online vs Excel Desktop. Excel Online is like a simpler version of Excel that you can use in your web browser. It has most of the important features you need, but it doesn’t have advanced things like macros. This article dives into the differences between Excel Online and the excel Desktop version to help you understand what each one is good at and where they fall short.
This guide shows how to use the nested IF function in Excel to check several conditions. You will also learn about other functions that can be to use than a nested formula.
When you want to make decisions in Excel, you often use an IF formula. It checks if something is true, then gives one result if it is and another result if it isn’t. If you need to check more than one thing, you can put many IFs inside each other.
Although using multiple IFs is common, it’s not the only way to check several conditions in Excel. This guide will introduce you to some easier and useful alternatives.
File Manager tool is an Excel based tool which helps you to delete or move unwanted files from your system. It requires a source and destination folder (in case you want to move files). First it lists all the files available in the folder or sub-folders then you can select the action to be taken for each file such as Move or Delete. With a click of button, tool will take all necessary actions.