CONCATENATE function is used for combining two or more Microsoft Excel strings into one. The output of the function returns as a combined string in a new cell.
CONCATENATE Function has argument called “text”, where we need to give the cell references, we can give multiple cell references as per the requirement to combine by following the “ , “ (i.e. Comma) as separator.
The CONCATENATE function allows you to combine text from different cells into one cell. In our example, we can use it to combine the text in column A and column B to create a combined name in a new column. Before we start writing the function, we’ll need to insert a new column in our spreadsheet for this data. Lets learn with few examples given below:-
As we can see in the below images by applying simple CONCATENATING Formula two cell values are easily combined into one.
Formula =CONCATENATE(A2,” “,B2)
The Excel CONCATENATE function is not only combined cell values. we can use the function to join a cell value and a string as well. For example:-
ROUND function rounds the number value to nearest digit mentioned in argument.
ROUND function has two required arguments i.e. number and num_digits
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