The AVERAGEIF function is used to get the “average” of values for a range of cells, based on multiple criteria.
The mathematical Average is calculated following: = Sum of all values / (divided by) number of items.
AVERAGEIF Function has two required arguments i.e. range, criteria and optional argument i.e. [average_range].
range argument is used to give the range of cells in which criteria needs to find
criteria argument is used to give criteria for average. We can give value (example “A”,”A*” >10, 50 ) or cell reference# (example: E2) in this argument
average_range argument is used to give cell range; those values to be averaged as per the criteria mentioned above
Kindly note, [average_range] is optional ONLY incase where range and [average_range] are in ONE column, but if, range and [average_range] are in DIFFERENT columns then [average_range] is NOT optional.
When we want to calculate the average with any condition than AVERAGEIF is used.
Here in example 2, we are calculating the average sales volume but with 1 condition, that’s why we will use AVERAGEIF here.
Formula:- =AVERAGEIF($A$2:$A$11,E6,$B$2:$B$11)
So here Criteria 1 is sales volume, the condition is David, and criteria 2 is a sales rep.
basically, we want to count the average of sales done by David.
The result is 4378 as shown in the 2nd image.
– Criteria argument can also work with Wild characters i.e. asterisk (*), question mark (?). Asterisk will find any series of characters and Question mark will find a single character.
– If you want to search actual * or ? (Asterisk or Question Mark) then type tilde (~) before * or ?
Hope you learnt this Function,
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