Excel Function SUMIFS

 Excel Function SUMIFS  is used to get the “total sum” of values for matching criteria across range.

SUMIFS Function is used to get total sum with more than one criteria. It has required arguments i.e. sum_rangecriteria_range1criteria1 and Optional arguments i.e. [criteria_range2, criteria2]… We can place add more than one range to include multiple criteria or conditions.


SUMIFS function is used to get the “total sum” of values for matching criteria across range.

SUMIFS Function has required arguments i.e. sum_rangecriteria_range1criteria1 and Optional arguments i.e. [criteria_range2, criteria2]… We can place add more than one range to include multiple criteria or conditions.


The syntax is as follows:

SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

sum_range argument is used to give cell range; those are to be added together as per the criteria mentioned below

criteria_range1 argument is used to give the range in which criteria1 needs to find

criteria1 argument is used to give criteria for sum. We can give value (example “A”, >10, 50) or cell reference# (example: E2) in this argument

[criteria_range2] optional argument is used to give the ANOTHER range in which criteria2 needs to find

[criteria2] optional argument is used to give criteria2 for sum. Value or cell reference# can be given.

Kindly note, we can add multiple criteria in the function by separating them with Comma (,)


  • So  here we have sales data. Sales Rep in B column Sales Volume in D Column and Country in C column.
  • Now we want get total of DAVID, CATHY AND BRIAN with 1 criteria so we will  use SUMIF.. Apply formula of SUMIF
  • Formula =SUMIF($B$2:$B$17,F4,$D$2:$D$17)
  • By applying this formula when we press enter we get 12226 Total sales made by DAVID.
  • Similarly we want to know total of CATHY so will apply same formula as shown in Pic 2. Formula =SUMIF($B$1:$B$17,F5,D2:D17).
  • The total sales made by  CATHY is  10133 as shown in  pic 3. 
  • And similarly we calculate total sales made by BRIAN .

We will be using SUMIF function as follows: 



  • Here we are using SUMIF 
  • Formula =SUMIFS(D2:$D$17,$B$2:$B$17,F6)
  •  In SUMIF we will see different range. 
  • We can use multiple Criterias in SUMIF
  • Here we are calculating total sales made by DAVID in Australia.
  • As we can see in pic 1 we applied formula of SUMIF and the total sales made by DAVID in Australia is 12226 as shown in pic 2.
Excel Function SUMIFS
Excel Function SUMIFS

Hope you learnt this Function,

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