From many years I have been working on VBA based automation projects using Excel, Outlook, Word, Access and other technologies. As a professional developer it was my responsibility to test the tools with all possible scenarios and data. Proper testing of the tools helps to deliver bug free and quality tools to clients.
If you are also a programmer and developing a tool or application. You should always test your tool with all possible scenarios that may come in production environment.
It is always good to test your tool or application with dummy data that is similar to production environment. Creating a dummy data is a big and time consuming task. You need to ensure that your dummy data contains variety of data types and available in massive quantity.
Step 1: Download and save the following attachment in you system
Step 2: Unzip the file and open
Step 3: As the file contains macros, you may be asked to enable the macros to use the tool
Step 4: Click on ‘Generate Dummy Data’ button
Step 5: The form gets loaded with default fields. You may want to add more fields or delete unwanted fields
Step 6: Once you are ready with the fields, click on ‘Generate Random Data’ button on the form
Step 7: Within few seconds, tool will generate the data in a new workbook
Step 8: Congratulations you are now ready to use the tool
This article has Top Excel Interview Questions and Answers to test your Excel skills. It’s great for beginners who are just starting out, or even pros who want a refresher. The questions cover everything you might need for jobs like data analyst, business analyst, or accountant.
Outlook Email Management Tool is an Excel based tool which works with Outlook 2010 or above version and helps you to read, copy or move multiple emails from an Outlook folder and sub-folders on click of a button. The tool also supports extracting attachments from emails as well.
VBA Tools To Create Folders In VBA, you can use MkDir function to create folders in your system or shared drive. To make your work simple, we bring a free Excel VBA tool to create…
Random Rows Selector is an MS Excel based tool which can be used to pick random or stratified samples from a set of records available in the Excel. The tool is fully dynamic, it can support any data format in Excel.
Here is one more wonderful free tool from which makes your life easy. Time & Motion Tracker helps you to track Start and End time of any type of transaction or activity. The good thing is, it is VBA based tool which helps you to protect from manual manipulation in the data by the user. It is also easy to use, just click on Start (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+A) or Stop (Ctrl+Shft+S) buttons to record the time
Duplicate Data Identifier is an MS Access based tool which helps to identify duplicates from any Excel based data. The tool supports up to 10 conditions and 25 types of matching conditions to find the exact duplicate. You can also define formatting conditions to first format the data before checking for duplicates.